Amazon sales back online with Free Shipping!

Amazon is setup again, now using Shipwire for fulfillment. Sales of isostick via Amazon are only available to residents of the continental US at this time, and shipping is free.

Customers outside the continental US can still buy from the Elegant Invention Store.


Real-time development status

Many people have requested a dashboard showing the status of isostick firmware and software development. This is now available via Trello here: isostick dev.

While no Trello account is required to view the board, members are allowed to vote on issues. This will help us set our priorities, so please do vote on issues you want to see completed.


New BETA firmware r1677

Fixes errors when booting isosel from a card with many (1000 or more) files / folders.
The isostick was taking too long to build the list of ISO files on the card, causing a timeout.

NOTE: It seems this does not fix the bug in all cases. If you are experiencing this bug, please feel free to discuss it here EDIT: The forum links have changed, the topic may be found here.



New BETA firmware r1658

Fixes a buffer overflow in the firmware, which may lead to DiskReadSector errors when booting into isosel, particularly when you have lots of files on your microSD card.
